written and illustrated by Eva Montanari
The alarm clock goes dringg dringg, mama’s tickle goes hee hee, the water goes sssplash, the car goes vroom vroom… So starts Little Crocodile’s morning on the first day of nursery school. But when the doorbell goes ding dong and teacher elephant says peekaboo, Little Crocodile starts having second thoughts and has something very loud to say.
With its delightful sounds and loveable cast of characters, this heart-warming story about a very important day in a youngster’s life speaks to a child’s (and parent’s) separation anxiety and to the joy of overcoming it.
“This is an emotive, wonderful book, deceptively simple in its execution and proves that there are always innovations to be made in the simplest of picture book themes.” –Book Trust
“This is a lovely reassuring book perfect for toddlers, fostering attachment and encouraging the first steps towards independence at the same time. Because self-confidence comes with attachment.” Children of Books
“A really smashing “starting nursery” book (…) An absolutely winner this.” Red Reading Hub
“It’s the cutest picture book, that deals with going to nursery/kindergarten for the first time in the most delightful manner. (…)What Does The Crocodile Say? is super fun to read out loud, little ones LOVE to play along with the sounds and adore the emotions conveyed in Eva Montanari’s illustrations.” My Book Corner
“Les crayons de couleurs d’Eva Montanari posent un regard tendre et malicieux sur les craintes du petit personnage dans lesquelles le tout-petit lecteur reconnaitra les siennes, et pourra ainsi les nommer et les apprivoiser doucement au fil de la lecture. Une histoire tout simple et bien menée qui deviendra sans nul doute livre de chevet”. Paris Momes
★ Longlisted for BookTrust Storytime Prize: The Best Book for Sharing
★ Shortlisted “Nati per leggere” prize
USA (Tundra Books, 2021),Netherlands (Gottmer, 2021),Brazil (Jujuba, 2021), Thailand (Amarin 2021), Sweden (Lilla Piratförlaget),China (Shanghai Juvenile & Children’s Publishing House),Japan (Iwasaki, 2020),Italy (Babalibri, 2020),Taiwan (Grimm Press, 2020),Spain (Editorial Juventud, 2020),UK (Book Island 2018),France (Thierry Magnier 2018)
For world rights please contact db@debbiebiboagency.com
© Copyright 2025 Eva Montanari